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I get my inspiration for colour combinations from nature

My trainer always said to me that nature never gets if wrong and she is so right. In this blog I will give you some ideas by looking at things in nature and transferring the colours into what you wear. I get my inspiration for colour combinations from nature. I get my inspiration for colour combinations from nature. We have all heard to saying, “Blue and green should never be seen unless there is a colour in between” This is so not true these days. Green with denim is a great combination because there are so many shades of green and blue to choose from. Navy and a bright green look great together and make a great combination for a wedding outfit. What is important is that you choose two warm colours or two cool colours which will tone with each other. Here I have found a lovely t/shirt in a green stripe which is shown here with a pair of denim jeans and as you can see it is a great combination. This is from next at £20 and would also look great with a pair of white or cream jeans or chinos. Use colourful jewellery & accessories Use colourful jewellery, and accessories when putting your outfits together. Coloured necklaces are a good choice. Scarves are usually full of bright colours and make a great addition to any outfit. Coloured shoes and handbags also help to make a well put together outfit. I get my inspiration for colour combinations from…

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Is Spring just around the corner?

Is Spring really just around the corner? I don’t know about you, but I am fed up with this weather. It is too cold wet and windy, and I cannot wait for the weather to break. We have been lucky and had a mild winter, but it must go now. Is Spring just around the corner? Looking at this picture I took this week I think we do not have too long to wait.  I want to get out of my thick jumpers into some spring clothes. How about you? Is Spring just around the corner? This time of year, as it starts to get warmer, and we start think about holidays and warmer times. I start to thinking about spring cleaning, and part of that process is also some decluttering. As you move the furniture around you find things lurking, magazines to re-cycle, papers to file and general tiding up. Looking out at the garden you can see all the shrubs that need cutting back, roses to prune and the lawn to cut. For me this is a great time of year as I know I have the whole of Spring and Summer to look forward too. It could be time to start thinking about de-cluttering your wardrobe. I am a great hoarder and find it difficult to let go of things, and yet I also love to buy new things.  The aim for me is to work on a one in, one out policy, but I still have…

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My tips on how to dress for a business meeting

My tips on how to dress for a business meeting This very much depends on the type of business you represent, but for me I am my own shop window.  Having said that I don’t feel the need to wear a suit as most of my clients are not in the corporate world. So here are my tips on how to dress for a business meeting. My tips on how to dress for a business meeting Should I wear a suit? When I first started promoting my business and going to networking events it was interesting to see what others were wearing. I think at the time ladies felt that they should perhaps wear a suit, or jacket and trousers, as you would in the corporate world. BUT if you are not comfortable in a suit what is that saying about you? If you are uncomfortable in what you are wearing it will show. However, if you are wearing something that you know that you look good in that will give you confidence and we all want to feel confident at a business event. I think that times have changed now even in the corporate world and the dress code has relaxed. Should I wear my uniform. For networking I would say YES. If you are a beautician or therapist for arguments sake, that is easy and, I would suggest that you go in your uniform. Also, for networking they are usually during the day, and you are going straight…

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Can you wear autumn colours with a cool skin tone?

Can you wear autumn colours with a cool skin tone? When you think of autumn colours you think of orange, yellow, mustard, rust, brown and green. These colours all have. Warm undertone and therefore only good for a warm skin tone. So, can people with a cool skin tone wear these warm colours? In this blog I am going to tell you how you can adapt these warm colours for a cool skin tone. Can you wear autumn colours with a cool skin tone? Let’s look at an autumn scene. I love it when the leaves all change colour and fall from the trees as the colours are just gorgeous. The most obvious colours are the ones I have just mentioned. If you have a cool skin tone these colours would not look good if they are worn up next to your face. However, there is nothing to stop you using these colours in your accessories. You could have a yellow handbag or rust coloured shoes as these are not next to your face. How can I adapt the autumn colours to suit a cool skin tone? There are cool colours that are found in the autumn leaves and trees, but you just have to look for them. Good base colours like a brown/black, forest green, burgundy, dark teal, and dark red. These colours are found in the autumn but are more commonly found in the winter. What is important is the undertone of the colour and a cool colour…

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A Colour Consultation is so much more than finding your best colours.

A Colour Consultation is so much more than finding your best colours. I think that people have an idea about what a colour consultation involves, but until you experience it for yourself do you realise the benefits it has. A colour consultation is so much more than finding your best colours. I prefer to look upon them as colour coaching session. Yes, you learn which are the best colours for you, but also you learn WHY. This is very important because if you don’t learn why, you cannot move forward and evolve on your colour journey. A Colour Consultation is so much more than finding your best colours. Your colour journey starts at our first meeting and learn which colours are best for you and why. You will learn how to put different colour combinations. together. This process shows you that you need less clothes and be able to make more outfits. When you know what works for you, it makes putting outfits together so much easier. This enables you to able to build a capsule wardrobe that makes getting dressed each day so much easier. I take a lot of photographs throughout our session so I can send them to you afterwards. I believe this to be a valuable part of the process as it gives you a reminder of our time together.  It is not possible to remember everything that is said in our meeting, and this is a record you can come back too. Some clients have…

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Transforming your Summer wardrobe to Autumn

I have been quiet on here as I have just return from two weeks with my bestie in her apartment in Spain. We had a lovely break enjoyed some warm sunshine, nice walks, and great food. Is summer completely over now?  or will we have some warm sunny days like we have been enjoying this week. The news tells me that this is the first week of autumn. This blog is about transforming you summer wardrobe to autumn. The changing of the seasons. I love my summer wardrobe and are not ready to put it away yet. Summer makes me think of  warm weather, socialising outside and warm summer evenings. Longer days, light evenings inspire me to do more and make the most of the time. However, it is also nice to have the seasons and each season has its own good points. The best bit about the Autumn for me is how nature changes. The autumn leaves on the trees and the colours that shine through. I always take my inspiration for colour combinations from nature. If it works in nature it will work with your wardrobe. Transforming your Summer wardrobe to Autumn Transforming your summer wardrobe to Autumn So yes, we can still wear some of our summer clothes in the autumn, but we just wear them a different way. Take your favourite summer dress that you have been wearing with bare legs and sandals or trainers. For now, you could wear either a camisole underneath or a…

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Are you looking for speakers for your ladies’ group?

Are you looking for a speaker for your ladies’ group With the world slowly getting back to the new normal. If you are a member of a  Ladies’ group like the Women’s Institute, Townswomen’s Guild and similar would you be interested in booking a speaker for the autumn and beyond. I am a Colour and Style Coach and have three talks relating to colour and style that will be of interest to women of all ages. Are you looking for speakers for your ladies group? Are you looking for speakers for your ladies’ group? I have three talks that I am currently marketing. Live your life in Colour Great Ways to Tie Your Scarves Zoom presentation – Colour & Style. Live your life in colour This is the most powerful talk of the three. I will be talking about how Colours effect how we look and feel.  All colours have an energy and effect how we feel  -some colours will give you energy whilst others will deplete you of energy. I explain how wearing the wrong colours you can look stressed and tired but by wearing the right colours it can bring out the colours of your eyes, smooth out imperfections and give a youthful look to your whole face. The system I use to find out which colours are best suited to each client is called the Colour Twist System. Colour co-ordinated clothes are an economical investment.  I will show how you will be able to buy less clothes…

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Can everyone wear the colour green?

Yes, everyone can wear the colour green but it depends on the undertone of the colour and the level of colour you like to wear. A cool green will have a blue undertone and a warm green will have a yellow undertone. The colour green comes in many shades, undertones and level of colour and it is about finding out which is right for you. Wear the wrong undertone and it will not look good on you. BUT wear the right undertone and level of colour it will Give a lively look to the face. Less need for makeup. Bring out the colour of your eyes. fade any lines or wrinkles Warm and Cool Greens Cool Green Blue Undertone So, it is important to get it right. Let’s look at some examples of warm and cool greens. Here we have two examples of a cool green and you can see that they have a blue undertone. These are not the only greens a cool person can wear but this is to just show you the difference. As a Winter you look nice in bright emerald greens. A Summer would like to turn the dimmer switch down and wear something a lot softer.         Warm Greens Yellow Undertone On the warm side the green will have a yellow undertone and here you can clearly see the difference. If you are a Spring, you can wear the brightest of the bright green some even the neon green . If…

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Get your inspiration for colour combinations from nature

I always get my inspiration for different colour combinations from nature as nature never gets it wrong. Remember the saying Blue and Green should never be seen unless there is a colour in between? How wrong is that? Here are my thoughts on how I get my inspiration for colour combinations from nature. Get your inspiration for colour combinations from nature Get your inspiration for colour combinations from nature This photograph was taken in the first lockdown by the River Chelmer. look how the blue from the sky and the river go with the green of the bank. Think of this as a pair of blue jeans and a green sweatshirt. Or a scarf in blue with green leaves and flowers. there is also the brown of the trees which is the third colour in this photo. If you can see the colour combination in nature, then you can wear those colours together. Colour Combinations When I was training it was suggested to me to wear pink and green together. This was something I had not tried before. I had not worn pink because I have a warm skin tone and I had not managed to find a warm pink. If you think of a pastel pink or a barbie pink, they are both cool. When I managed to find a warm pink with a yellow undertone which looks like a peachy pink, I knew I could do that combination. Nature never gets it wrong Get your inspiration for colour…

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How to move into your Spring/Summer wardrobe

I don’t know about you ,but I am fed up with this weather. Yesterday we went for a walk, it started to rain as we got out of the car, and we got soaked walking into town. We sat down for a coffee under cover in the sunshine and as we left to walk back it started raining and the hail stones came down. Today we put on our heavy winter coats and the sun came out and we were hot. The forecast for the weekend looks good and temperatures are set to rise up 22c. Here are my tips on how to move into your Spring/Summer wardrobe Is your wardrobe ready for the lovely weather coming this weekend? How to move into your Spring/Summer wardrobe With the weather so changeable it is difficult to know what to wear to cover every eventuality. This is when I go for layers. Layering up your clothes gives you the flexibility to take off, or add as the weather changes. I have already put away my heavy winter clothes and have my lighter clothes in my wardrobe. These I can layer up. I have not got my legs yet ,but have already started using my coloured moisturiser to take add some colour to my white legs. How to move into your Spring/Summer wardrobe So, instead of wearing thick jeans and boots, swap them for a pair of 7/8 cotton trousers and some trainers which I have chosen today. I have put a short…

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