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Have you thought about shopping your own wardrobe?

Have you thought about shopping your own wardrobe? Have you thought about shopping your own wardrobe? Would you buy today what you have in your wardrobe? That’s an interesting question and depends on how much you are hanging onto. Do you regularly cull your wardrobe of items that no longer bring you joy? Or are you someone who hangs onto things as you just cannot let things go. Have you thought about shopping your own wardrobe? This is a very interesting exercise as it will highlight what is not serving you any longer, and perhaps you now maybe able to let them go. You might find some gems that you had forgotten you had. What happens if you have too many clothes crammed into your wardrobe you cannot see what you do have. Personally, I have lost some weight recently and when I got out my holiday clothes, I found a few bits that were too tight last year, but now fit perfectly. We are going on a cruise next week and I am looking at what to take and am so pleased I can wear these bright red palazzo pants that have been too tight in recent years.  I had not let them go because I loved them so much but now they fit so much better. So, what shall I style them with? I plan to take two tops to go with these and that takes care of two evenings. How can you restyle what you already have?…

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Do you have difficulty in de-cluttering your wardrobe?

Do you have difficulty in de-cluttering your wardrobe? Recently I have had to practice what I preach and take my own advice on de-cluttering my wardrobe. We decided rather than buying new bedroom furniture we would spray what we  already have. Two pine chests with lovely deep drawers and our wardrobes are old MFI laminate doors. They were spray painted with new handles all to match. This all sounds great, but we had to empty the wardrobes and chests and we put all the clothes on our spare bed. If you have difficulty in letting, go for your clothes read on. Do you have difficulty in de-cluttering your wardrobe? I regularly cull my wardrobe, but I was amazed at the number of clothes that I do not wear that I had been hanging on to and for what reason? Will they come back in fashion? I paid a lot for this item I can’t let it go. I might wear it. Some of these things have been in the drawer or wardrobe for many years and for some reason I have hung onto them, and I am not sure why. Perhaps I was just not ready to let them go? Some of the items I have had a long time, and I am just fed up with wearing them and I need a change. Also, my life has changed, I used to be more corporate in my dress but now I have a more smarter casual. We all evolve as…

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Do you feel you have to dress age appropriate?

Do you feel you have to dress age appropriate? Do you feel you have to dress age appropriate? Well, what is that exactly? My grandma always looked the same for as long as I remember, and my mum had me at age 21yrs so she was not always old. She had white hair, wore twin sets and pearls, midi length skirts and elasticated trousers.  I can think back to school age when she was still quite a young woman wearing the same. You are never too old to look good. Do you sometimes feel you cannot be bothered?  Just grab any old thing out of the wardrobe. It could be the jumper you wore yesterday that is still hanging on the chair and an old pair of jeans. No-one is coming to the house today, so it does not matter. BUT what about dressing for you? Yes, I do have days when I feel like that, but I choose to wear something uplifting, particularly if I am feeling down. I have a passion for colour because of the way it makes you look and feel. Sometimes, life gets in the way and the last thing you want to do is put on a full makeup and choose an outfit to dress to impress. But most of the time I do make the effort to put an outfit together but I do not usually wear a full make up. I am a wash n go sort of girl. To me the…

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Do you want to inject some colour into your spring wardrobe?

.Do you want to inject some colour into your spring wardrobe? If you are looking to update your wardrobe it does not mean that you must buy a whole new outfit. You can buy new key piece that you can wear with several items you already have in your wardrobe. Take this new blouse here that I have just bought from FatFace.  A mid-season purchase. Today the weather is back to a cold wind  so this sweatshirt a recent purchase from Marks & Spencer might be a good mid-season item. It is a lightweight fabric which you could layer up with something underneath. I like the ombre look and it comes in some great colours, this lovely orange, pink, blue and green mix. This item will get so much wear with cream jeans, casual trousers, and denim i am pleased with my purchase. Here is it worn with a navy cord skirt, but I am thinking it will look great with some light denim blue jeans, cream jeans, and several of my casual trousers. This is a really versatile piece with all the colours in the fabric to team it up with.  I can wear it open like a jacket or tied at the waist for a more casual look. It is a very light cotton which will be great for layering up too.   When you know your colour swatch it’s easy. When you know your colours, it makes putting outfits together so much easier. Every time you buy a…

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Wearing colour is important to looking and feeling good.

Wearing colour is important to looking and feeling good. I am a Colour and Style Coach so it is obvious that I would advocate to wear colour, but there is a good reason why I teach and share this. Read on to find out why wearing colour is so important to looking and feeling good.  I love sharing my knowledge. Why do I love colour so much? Wearing colour not only makes you look great but feel great too. It makes you feel more alive and energised. You can use colour to enhance your look. Wearing the right colours brings out the best in you. It shows your own sense of style. Brings out the fun playful part of your personality. It makes your outfit look interesting allowing you to draw the eye where you want. That’s why wearing colour is so important to me. If I was to wear all grey, I would feel grey. I would look lifeless, boring and have no energy. I used to dress like this for the city in a grey suit and white shirt and I often wondered why I felt the way I did. I now know different. Wearing colour is important to looking and feeling good. Before I trained as a Colour and Style Coach, I knew that when I wore some colours, I used to get lots of compliments and others I didn’t. Being in the City in the late 80’s the uniform then, was power suits in black and…

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This time of year it is all about layering with colour.

This time of year, it is all about layering.  We do not always need the very heavy jumpers, but we do need to layer our items which allows us to take off if need be. It has been cold, and I am a lover of my long-sleeved thermal top but as temperatures vary sometimes that is not needed. This time of year, it is all about layering with colour. We all know how to layer up, but have you thought about what colours go with what. This is where you can experiment with different colour combinations. This time of year it is all about layering with colour This time of year it is all about layering with colour You could go tonal and wear different shades of the same colour. For example, you could choose a camel pair of trousers, brown boots, cream jumper, with a animal print blouse over the top, followed by a chocolate brown jacket and a bag in any of those colours. This is a nice classic look and if you have the classic personality is one you will wear very well. What about colour I hear you say. This time of year it is all about layering with colour. Well, I am the colour lady!  You could wear several different items on in one colour but different shades like this photo taken in John Lewis. Here we have many shades of blue that will all work with each other. All seasons like blue, just choose…

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New Year – New You

New Year – New You Firstly, Happy New Year to you. Let’s make 2024 the year you step into the new version of you by injecting some style adding key pieces to your wardrobe. Sound exciting?  Yes, our style evolves over time, think about it, you are not wearing what you wore in your twenties when you are in your fifties or sixties. Your life changes though the years, you may have been in corporate and now own your own business, or perhaps you are retired and have a totally different lifestyle. Your style should reflect who you are as a person now. So how do you know what your style is? It all starts with style personality and the type of clothes that you like to wear. Are you a sporty type and like to be able to move in your clothes or are you more of a classic dresser. Do you like to wear sheer fabrics, reveal a lot of flesh or do you choose fitted close fitting clothes? Do you know how to dress your body shape? When I had my colours and style done many years ago, I was amazed in the difference dressing for your own body shape made. It also made shopping so much easier. I have a column figure and no definition of a waist; therefore, a boxy long line jacket would not suit, in fact I would look lost. However, a fitted jacket gives an illusion of a waist and if you…

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Make your sales shopping work for you.

Make your sales shopping work for you. I hope you had a good Christmas, some family time and some-time to chill. Or did you venture to the sales straight after Christmas? This year I noticed that all the sales started online some as early as the 23rd of December which saves the rush to the stores straight after Christmas. I must admit I do love a bargain, but you must be sure that it is something that you love and need for it to be a bargain. Too often we are sucked in by the sale price and think look at what I am saving, but you are not saving, if this is just going to clog up your wardrobe and you are never going to wear.  Make your sales shopping work for youAre these items current stock reduced? Some sales are very genuine with items that have been reduced as stock that has not sold.  You will know if you have been shopping in the store before Christmas as you will recognise them as current stock. They could be odd sizes, end of lines and have genuine reductions.  Others are items that for whatever reason have not sold. Sometimes, there may be a full rack of items all the same in every size. Also check the amount that it has been reduced by as sometimes it is very little, and others are up to half price. This tells me that it did not sell for whatever reason.  When this…

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Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear?

Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear? Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear? How many times have I heard this; it tends to be a common trend. What a lot of us have done in the past is go out and buy a new top, get home only to find that we have nothing to go with it. Does that sound familiar? Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear? You get invited to a party, look in your overflowing wardrobe and think I have nothing suitable to wear. I bet we have all done this at some time. Yes, it is a very common problem, but why do we have too many clothes in our wardrobe? Holding onto clothes that no longer fit us but hoping to fit into them. They were too expensive to let go of. Never get round to doing a declutter. Have so much in the wardrobe you can’t see what you do have. Holding onto clothes that not in the colour or style that suits you. Sound familiar? Firstly, I would advise only having summer or winter clothes in your wardrobe and the other season put away in a suitcase or under bed storage. If you have plenty of storage in your home and a spare wardrobe that is even better. This allows your clothes to move on the rail more easily so you can see what you do have. De-clutter every…

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My colour journey started with a colour analysis session

My colour journey started with a colour analysis session I first had my colours done many years ago. My husband bought me a gift voucher one Christmas, to have a colour consultation. It was not something I would have bought myself. My daughter was young at the time and spending quality time on me was not my priority. I share with you how I went from wearing cream and beige, so I did not stand out, to wearing red and orange and a new confident me. Here is how my colour journey started with a colour analysis session. My first introduction to colour… He bought me a colour and style analysis which also included a make-up lesson with a Colour me Beautiful Consultant. This really was a treat as I had not invested in myself like this before. Then I didn’t realise how powerful it was. At the time I was unaware of how powerful colour was.  I had worked in the city for many years and had two skirt suits one black and the other grey with an assortment of blouses I wore underneath. These were conservative as I was working in banking recruitment.  Wearing all grey made me feel grey and at the time I did not know why, and now I do. I went from wearing cream & beige to wearing red & orange. At this time in my life, I was very shy and was wearing quite muted colours like cream and beige as I didn’t…

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