Colour Consultation

Colour Analysis Consultation

Colour Analysis
Colour Analysis

Why should you have a Colour Analysis Consultation?

Wearing the right colour says a lot about you.  It gives you confidence, boosts your self-esteem and empowers you to be the person you want to be. Read on to find out how a Colour Analysis session would benefit you.

Colour Analysis

Colour Analysis Swatch
Colour Analysis Swatch

Colour is the essence of successful dressing

  • It affects how we feel and how people respond to us.
  • Getting it right gives us more confidence.

Colour attracts the eye

  • It’s the first thing people notice about us and it’s what we are remembered for.

Colours which match our skin tone enhance our natural looks and this gives us

  • A healthier more youthful glow without the need for too much makeup.
  • More definition to face shapes and slim body lines.
  • A lively look to the entire face, brightening our eyes and giving our skin a glowing appearance.
  • An inner confidence knowing that you look and feel your best version of yourself.

Colour co-ordinated clothes are an economical investment

  • Creating more outfits with fewer clothes.

Colour Analysis

Colour Analysis Colour Wands
Colour Analysis Colour Wands

I use the Colour Seasonal Twist system. I will make an appraisal of your skin tone and establish the colours that complement you. I will look at your skin undertone, determining whether you have a warm or cool tone and then determine the level of colour best suited to you. The range is warm 1 – warm 4 and cool 1 – cool 4.

With this system, unlike other traditional colour analysis systems that utilise the seasonal method (Summer, Autumn Winter and Spring),  there is more room for variation.  It offers a larger variety of colours with different intensities of colour, by turning up the colour volume for a more vibrant colour or turning it down for a more muted shade.

You may feel that you know what colours suit you already, but what a colour analysis can do is assist you to select the best version of the colour you love to wear.  When we achieve the right tone and intensity of colour the overall look just comes together. What I normally find happens is I can show you colours you have not thought of wearing before giving you more colours to wear.

Colour Analysis Consultation

Colour Analysis
Colour Analysis

Colour Analysis Consultation takes 1.5 hours and costs £180

What’s included in a colour analysis consultation?  A colour swatch with 30 of your best colours in the tone right for you. (picture above)  Also, a Digital Swatch that you can download to your phone. During the consultation, I will take photographs.  I will show you how to wear your colour pallet, looking at different colour combinations and how to put different colours together.

After the consultation, I will email you a Colour Look Book with the photos that I have taken wearing the drapes, as a reminder of our time together. This, my clients, find very useful as it is a permanent reminder of which colours were good and which were not. You can print this off and put it in your wardrobe as a reminder.

We will discuss ideas of colours to wear together to start building your capsule wardrobe. It is important to find your own sense of style that works for you.  Just because something is in fashion does not mean it is necessarily right for you. I am also trained in Colour Therapy and talk about the psychological side of colour. How colour can make you feel better about yourself, giving you the confidence to be who you want to be.

The session lasts one and a half hours Price is £150

My name is Sandra from Colourworx – Find out which colours work best for you!





