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Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear?

Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear?
Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear?

Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear? How many times have I heard this; it tends to be a common trend. What a lot of us have done in the past is go out and buy a new top, get home only to find that we have nothing to go with it. Does that sound familiar?

Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear?

You get invited to a party, look in your overflowing wardrobe and think I have nothing suitable to wear. I bet we have all done this at some time. Yes, it is a very common problem, but why do we have too many clothes in our wardrobe?

  • Holding onto clothes that no longer fit us but hoping to fit into them.
  • They were too expensive to let go of.
  • Never get round to doing a declutter.
  • Have so much in the wardrobe you can’t see what you do have.
  • Holding onto clothes that not in the colour or style that suits you.

Sound familiar?

Firstly, I would advise only having summer or winter clothes in your wardrobe and the other season put away in a suitcase or under bed storage. If you have plenty of storage in your home and a spare wardrobe that is even better. This allows your clothes to move on the rail more easily so you can see what you do have.

  • De-clutter every season
  • Let go of what no longer makes you look and feel fabulous.
  • Anything that no longer fits you.
  • Clothes that are no longer in your colour pallet
  • Outfits that are not in your style or suit your body shape.

Now look at what you have left.

Pull out all your party dresses, you may have found one at the back of the wardrobe that you forgot you even had. Try them on and see if one of them looks like a contender for this party. I have been invited to a wedding reception and its cocktail wear and sparkles. I remembered I had a sparkly dress under the bed that I have not worn for years (well before covid) I have spent some time going through my costume jewellery and found a statement gold necklace that I can wear with it. This I have not worn for a very long time I almost forgot I had it. The wedding reception was last weekend and I enjoyed to an opportunity to dress up.

Perhaps you might have found some wide leg trousers that you could team up with a sparkly top. Sometimes, you need to look outside the box and find different ways to style an item. You can change the look of an outfit just by changing your accessories.

Still not found anything suitable

Sometimes you just must buy something new, albeit a new top to go with a skirt or pair of trousers you already have, a new pair of shoes or a new outfit completely. The important thing here is if you are purchasing something new, make sure that it will work for you in your wardrobe going forward. I like to think price per wear! It is worth investing in a piece if you are going to get lots of wear from that item, if not and you are going to get little wear from it I would not spend so much.

Check out any shops that may have offers on enabling you to purchase something, or perhaps look at pre-loved where perhaps you will be able to buy something that you could not afford at the full retail price.


With less clothes in your wardrobe, you will be able to see what you do have. 80% of ladies wear 20% of their wardrobe and you can see why now. Let’s be honest it would be nice to have your wardrobe working for you and free from things you no longer wear. If you need any help in finding the right colours or style for you, please check out my website  or feel free to give me a call on my details below.

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1 thought on “Do you have a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear?

  1. This happened to me this weekend! I was asked to dress as a Goddess and had nothing that fitted the bill. I settled for a new pair of wide legged pink bamboo trousers and a top. Sometimes I guess we are asked to turn up as something that doesnt fit with our normal image of ourselves which presents a challenge!

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