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Spring clean your wardrobe with a declutter

Spring clean you wardrobe with a declutter
Spring clean you wardrobe with a declutter

Spring is the time of year to let go all of what you no longer need to hold onto.  Use this time to sort through what you have in your wardrobe and declutter and let go all those items you no longer wear. Some may just be past their life; others may not fit into your current style. If you have not worn it this season, are you likely to wear it next autumn? I put everything away clean for next year including my shoes and boots, so they are ready to wear when the weather turns cold. I even re heal shoes ready for next year.

Spiritually this is a time to let go.

Spiritually this is a time to let go of any negativity making way to bring in the new. New creative ideas and anything we want to bring into our life and with this in mind let go the clothes that no longer serve you. This allows us to add some new things, as your style is always evolving. I am sure the wardrobe you had in your 20’s is nothing like what you are wearing in your 50’s.

Nature has the right idea.

If you think of nature this time of year it sheds its leaves which turn into compost for the ground. We cut back all our plants ready for them to reshoot in the spring.

The one thing I learnt in lock down was that I had too many clothes in my wardrobe that I did not wear. I am a great hoarder and find it difficult to let go of things, and yet I also love to buy new things. Try to work on a one in, one out policy. You do not want to have things in my wardrobe that I not wear. Your wardrobe should be full of things you love and love to wear.

Free yourself of clutter

Before you let something go see if you can find another use for it, or style it in another way. In a previous  Blog I wrote about how you can re-style clothes that you are no longer wearing. Here are some ideas on how you can change the use of a blouse or your jeans. I also have a page on my Pinterest with some ideas on how to re-use things that you don’t wear into something that you will.

Most ladies wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time.

How do you let things go?

It’s all very well saying you need to de-clutter; you need to streamline your clothes, but how do you do that if you still love the things that you have. Firstly, I think that you need to look at what you do have. You may be surprised when you take everything out the volume of clothes you have. You may find that you have several pairs of jeans or black trousers and how many of each do you need? If something does not bring you joy by making you look and feel fabulous then it must go.

Ask yourself these questions?

  • Do I love it or is it outdated?
  • Is this something useful that I want to keep?
  • Is it in one of my colours or styles that suit my figure?
  • Would you buy this item again?
  • Am I holding onto this because of the memory it holds?

Start wearing your unworn clothes or let them go.

One person’s casts offs are another person’s gem. Just because it no longer fits you, or you do not have a use for it, does not mean it has to be thrown away. Charity shops are always happy to take clothes that still have some life left in them. If they don’t look saleable, they can pack them up and get sold as rags, which they get money for.  Alternatively, you can sell them yourself on eBay or similar sights and use the money towards buying something new. At my last WI meeting we had a clothes swap, and I came away with two beautiful dresses and let go of three items of clothes I was no longer wearing.

Sort your clothes into piles of

  • Donate to a charity shop.
  • Sell online via eBay, Vinted, or similar.
  • Pass onto a friend.
  • Rubbish

Think of the benefits of a streamlined wardrobe

You need to let go of the emotional attachment to the clothes. I have known some clients to take photographs to remind them of items they could not let go of. Others to store clothes that no longer fit them away in a case in the hope that if they lose weight, they can retrieve them. I never think that is a good idea, but if that is what you would like to do, and they are taken out of the main wardrobe it is an option. My question to you would be why are you so attached to something that no longer serves you?

The advantages of a slimline wardrobe

  • It is easier to see what you do have.
  • A more streamlined wardrobe
  • A wardrobe of clothes that you love and love wearing.
  • You are wearing everything you have in your wardrobe.
  • You have room to add to new items.

Choose to buy investment pieces that will last.

Owning less items perhaps means that you can spend more on the key pieces in your wardrobe, as you are going to get so much wear out of each piece. If you choose pieces that are in your own personal colour pallet, they will all go with each other. Only buying clothes that suit your body shape will also mean you will wear them more. What you must be careful of buying things that are in fashion that will not necessary be in fashion next year so you may not want to spend so much on them. With all this talk about land mines being full of disposal fashion perhaps now is the time to think of purchasing better made clothes that will wear better. Just a thought.

Spring clean your wardrobe with a declutter

De-cluttering is very therapeutic, it is like clearing your mind, making space for new things to come in. They say if you are looking to embrace a new romance into your life clear a space for his clothes in the wardrobe! Less clothes in your wardrobe makes it easier to get dressed each day and it means you are always wearing one of your favourite outfits. If you need any help with your wardrobe, please do get in touch.

Why stop with your wardrobe?

Yes, why stop with your wardrobe, you can work around all the rooms in your house. Moving stuff around also moves the energy around and this is a good thing. During lock down I did just this and we cleared all the cupboards in the house and even the garage. It is amazing how much you do you accumulate over time.

If this resonates with you do get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

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