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Real life winning moments through the power of colour

Real life winning moments through the power of colour
Real life winning moments through the power of colour

I have a real passion for colour because of the way it can make you look and feel. Most people choose to wear the colours that they love without any consideration for how they make them feel, and in some cases are wearing colours that are totally wrong for them. All colours have a holistic benefit which some people do not understand. In this blog I am going to share two stories of ladies who changed their lives when they learnt about the benefits of colour. They are real life winning moments through the power of colour.

Real life winning moments through the power of colour

The first lady I am going to talk about came up to me at an event where I was giving a talk about colour. She said to me “I have had my colours done and it changed my life” An immensely powerful statement and it was totally true. She had been working in a large corporate company for many years. Sue felt that she kept getting overlooked for promotion and did not understand why. Although she had all the qualifications and experience for these roles she always got overlooked.

Real life winning moments through the power of colour
Real life winning moments through the power of colour

The power of colour

When she had her colours done everything changed. She went from wearing a boring black to suit to wearing colour. Although she was in a Corporate company, she still must be in a smart suit, but she did not have to be in black.  After she started wearing colour things started to change. She would wear a colourful blouse, perhaps a bright coloured scarf and her suit was not black but navy. Guess what she started to get noticed. The first promotion she went for to her amazement she got. The second she also got, she was finally being noticed, she did not blend in anymore. She now holds a very senior position in the same Corporate company.

Real life winning moments through the power of colour

Sue tells me that having her colours analysed that gave her the confidence she needed to get noticed and then promoted. This is powerful stuff if wearing colour can change people’s lives. Therefore, I have such a passion for it and why I want to share my message to as many ladies as I can. Colour really can change lives, please read on to my second story.

Real life winning moments through the power of colour

My second story was told to me by trainer Carol is someone who had come to her for a personal shopping trip. This lady has handicapped partially sighted and in a wheelchair. This lady I will call Carol in this blog. Carol was dressed in black with her carer in her wheelchair. They went into a shopping centre and into Marks and Spencer (it was when you when you were able to try on clothes in the fitting room). My trainer gave her various tops, in lots of different colours into the fitting room which Carol tried on. When Carol had finished trying on the tops she came out wearing one of them. Said that she wanted to buy all of them in the various colours including the one she was wearing.

The healing power of colour

Carol said that she felt so wonderful in the tops and could feel the energy of the colours in the clothes that she had tried on. She said that she was never going to ever wear black again. I guess her carer thought she cannot see the colours of her clothes, so it did not matter what colour they were. Hence, she always bought her black. How wrong was she?

Real life winning moments through the power of colour

Here are just two stories from ladies who have learnt how colour can impact your life. What are your views on colour? Are you a lady who loves to wear black? There is a thinking that black is slimming and therefore ladies wear it for that reason. Any dark colour can be slimming, and it does not have to be black. I would love to hear what you think, so please send me your comments

Real life winning moments through the power of colour

Are you ready to change your life by learning how colour can make feel, giving you the confidence to be who you want to be? You hear so much these days about becoming the best version of you. Well here is your chance to learn about colour, which colours work best for you.  Which ones will give you energy and which ones to wear when you want to relax and unwind? If you want to find out more about me and my work please take a look at my website or follow me on my social media platforms below.

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I also have a Youtube channel where I store all my videos. Why not give me a call for a chat to find out how I can help you on 07786 632798. Or email me or visit my website 

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Find out which colours work best for you!!

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