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Can wearing colour really change the way you feel?

Can wearing colour really change the way you feel?
Can wearing colour really change the way you feel?

Can wearing colour really change the way you feel? I would answer that question with a big fat YES. Before I went for my training for Colour Analysis. I knew that wearing certain colours did nothing for me. Grey is a perfect example if I wore all grey, I felt all grey. At that time, I did not understand why. I learnt that certain shades of grey had the wrong undertone, and all shades of grey had a different strength of colour. Here I am going to talk about how wearing colour really can change the way you feel.

Most people can wear most colours, but it is the undertone and strength of colour that counts

What are you choosing to wear during lockdown at home?

We are all going through extremely different times now and I do not know about you, but I have times when I am really struggling. It would be so easy to put on my track bottoms and a hoodie and sit at my computer like that. I choose not to do that because I would not be able to be in work dressed like that. Every morning I have a shower, put on some make up and lippy then dress for the day. Depending on how I feel I choose the appropriate colour to wear in a top and add some jewellery. As your bottom half cannot be seen a pair of jeans or casual trousers or skirt is usually what I choose.

Why do I go to this bother if I am not seeing anyone is because it matters to me, and I want to feel as good as I can in these difficult times? I also know that by wearing colour can improve my mood and make me feel better.

Can wearing colour really change the way you feel?

After my initial training on Colour & Style I decided to learn more about the energies of colour and their healing properties as this really interested me. I knew from personal experience that I felt different when wearing different colours.  I had learnt about skin colours and cool skin tones wore cool colours with a blue undertone.  Warm skin tones wore warm colours with a yellow undertone.  Also, that the intensity of colour made a difference too. Having learnt all that, I still felt there was more to colour than just that and I wanted to know more.

I booked myself on a training for Colour Therapy

This was when it all started to make sense. She worked out from my birth date which colour was my preferred colour to wear and to my surprise it was GREEN. Anyone who knows me knows my favourite colour is red or orange. At the time I was going through a very exceedingly difficult time in my family and I was feeling very hurt. We all know that we have chakras in our body represented in different colours. Green and Pink represent the Heart Chakras which is all about Love, compassion, and peace. She suggested that I wore either green or pink. At that time, I was not wearing either colour and for no reason other than I preferred to wear the red and orange as they gave me the energy I needed.

Yes, you guessed it, I went out and bought a green jumper. I understood which green I needed to wear and in my case one with a yellow undertone. I went up to London that day with a friend and I remember thinking how nice I felt in this jumper. Walking around I kept getting a glimpse of myself and it make me feel so good. My body was crying out to be nurtured in this soothing colour and 0nce I did it made all the difference.

Wearing colour matters

Wear colour to enhance your mood

As I said earlier the other colour associated with the heart chakra is PINK which was another colour I did not choose to wear that much. I think the reason for that was I associated pink as a pastel baby pink (cool colour).  I need to choose a warm pink with the yellow undertone and a good strength of colour. BUT hey I could wear pink underwear! I do also have some pink jumpers and they too feel genuinely nice to wear when you want to feminine and loved.

Are you in need of a hug?

So, if you need of a hug choose to wear a nice pink jumper or top. If you are curled up in front of the TV, you could wrap yourself in a lovely pink wrap. I think now we all need some ideas on how to make ourselves feel better. One that you can do instantly is to choose to wear some colour. Start now and tomorrow when you get dressed in the morning choose to wear something colourful, something that you love, and you know looks good on you. Notice the difference in how you feel, send me a message I am interested to hear what you have to say.

Can wearing colour really change the way you feel?
Can wearing colour really change the way you feel?

Green and Pink as a Colour combination

Before my training I had never thought of a pink and green as a colour combination. Look how well they go together. The top two are cool from the brightest Winter pallet. The bottom two are from the brightest of the Spring pallet. However, if you are a Summer or Autumn you will want to tone down the intensity of the colour. If you carry your weight on your bottom half wear the darker of the two colours in your trousers or skirt.

Colour just lights me up

I have learnt so much about colour in how to make the best of you by wearing the right colour for you. This makes you look and feel fantastic giving you the confidence to be who you want to be. Colour therapy is colour on another level and has the potential to change your mood and make you feel good too. If you would like to know what a colour consultation involves visit my website  or you can contact me on my contacts at the bottom of this email.

You can also subscribe to this blog below. Next week’s blog I will be talking about two other colours.

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I also have a Youtube channel where I store all my videos. Why not give me a call for a chat to find out how I can help you on 07786 632798. Or email me or visit my website 

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Find out which colours work best for you!!

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