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What can you do with the extra time you now have?

What can you do with the extra time you now have?
What can you do with the extra time you now have?

I don’t know about you, but I am having trouble getting my head around what is going on around us now. The thought of lock down is very scary and so life as we know it will be different. All my social and business events are cancelling and so it looks like I will have more time on my hands. I don’t want to look at the negatives and am turning this on its head. Here are my tips on what you can do with the extra time you now have.

What can you do with the extra time you now have?

We are always saying if only I had time, I would do this……. Well now you do so how are you going to fill your time. Write a list of all the things that you have wanted to do around the home but never have time for. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Clear out your office

This is something I have been meaning to do for some time and there is always something else that takes priority and now is the perfect time. Clear out the drawers of unwanted paper, sort through the bookshelf and move things around. I find getting rid of the clutter is very therapeutic and somehow you feel lighter for doing so. Last week I sorted through my dressing table drawers, threw away old make up and stuff and cleared off the top so everything is put away. Every time I walk past now, I feel so much better.

Clear out your wardrobe

This I do regularly but you can always do it again and re-connect with the clothes you do have. You will have forgotten some things and it is fun re-styling them with different items. See how many outfits you can make with of one pair of trousers and various tops and accessories. I had a conversation with someone recently who told me she is not going to buy any new clothes for a year. I said that no way could I do that, and she said but I have so many. She could probably do with a de-clutter if she has that many clothes.  It is nice to have an inject of a few new key items to freshen up my wardrobe each season. If you would like to refer to a previous blog about de-cluttering click here


Recently I went through all my costume jewellery that I did not wear anymore and put them aside. I am planning on taking them to my next charity donation as I know they do sell well in their stores.  Then I went through some of my gold and silver jewellery and found broken chains, odd earrings and some rings that I don’t wear any more. These I took to a jeweller and got some money for them. I can now see what I do have and found some things that I have not worn for a while.

Clear out your kitchen cupboards

When was the last time you did this? The larder cupboard I regularly attack and remove everything past its sell by date, but what about the other cupboards. How many egg whisks do you need? How many of anything do you need? If you are a hoarder like me there will be lots of things you can let, go of. Take everything out and wash down the insides and cupboard doors and only put back what you really need. This will be like a Spring Clean and your kitchen will look and smell lovely.

Clean your house from top to bottom.

This is the bit I don’t like, but I do feel good about it afterwards. You don’t have to do it all in one day, why not attack one room at at time.

Get out into the garden

My husband cuts the lawn and I do everything else in the garden and I have already started digging over the beds, weeding and cutting back the shrubs. It is so nice to look back afterwards on what you have achieved. Being out in nature and the fresh air is good for you. Go for a walk, my Border Terrier Rosie is always up for a walk. Find some new places to walk too.

Listen to some Podcasts

Usually I listen to these when I am driving instead of the radio, but you can take some time out to listen or have them on when you are doing something else.

Jigsaw puzzles & Games

These are great for keeping all the family amused and it is something you can all get involved in and away from the TV. Bring out the old favourites that everyone can enjoy, or just play a game of cards.

Personal time for you

Make time each day to do something for you, it may be to read a book, meditate, watch your favourite TV program, have along soak in a bath, go for a walk, or just chill. Whatever your thing is make some time for yourself. You may want to learn something new, take up a new hobby or spend time on social media catching up with your friends.

What are you going to be doing with your extra time at home?

I would be interested to know what plans you have to keep busy now you can see what I will be doing. The important thing is to turn this enforced time into a positive. Can you help out a friend or neighbour.?  What can you do for you that previously didn’t have time for?

If you need any help or advise, please do not hesitate to get in contact and I will be pleased to help youYou can follow me on Facebook  where I regularly post style updates.  Pinterest  is a love of mine and here I have several boards from style, colour combinations and many more. If Instagram is your thing, I am on there as well. Why not give me a call for a chat to find out how I can help you on 07786 632798 or email me or visit my website 

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