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Why would you not want to wear colour?

Well, why would you not want to wear colour? I do struggle with this one. As a Colour & Style Coach who has a major love of colour, I don’t know why anyone would not like to wear colour too. When I ask the question I usually get one of two answers.

  • I don’t want to stand out
  • I don’t know what colours suit me

The first one, I don’t want to stand out, I do understand, as I used to be that shrinking wall flower. I dressed in manly beige, black and white and what I call nothing colours. I worked in the City and that was also what you were expected to where then. This way I thought I would blend in with the crowd, and yes, I am afraid to say I did. The second one I don’t know what colours suit me, is also a big one. Sometimes, we lose our way, we may be out of a divorce, children just left home, returning to work or we just feel we are in a rut and need some inspiration.

Why would you not want to wear colour?

Why would you not want to wear colour?
Why would you not want to wear colour?

I think deep down we all would like to be noticed for who we are. This does not mean you must wear full on colour, bright red, blue or pink. If you look at my colour wands here you can see the levels of colour. The first four wands are the cool colours and the last four wands on the right are warm colours. So, if you are a cool lady and love colour and enjoy wearing it you will lean toward the first wand. If you are a lady who shy’s away from colour you can turn down the dimmer switch and lean towards levels 2, 3, & 4. It’s all about knowing where to stop.

But, it is not just about wearing a colour that suits you as colour can do so much more for you.

All colours have an energy

We are made up of three energies, masculine, feminine and child energy and we can tap into those. Masculine with the dark suits, feminine with the lovely pinks and child energy for the play-fullness and having fun side of colour. If you would like to look feminine you should wear pink. This colour I think is often over looked as we think pink is childlike and only meant of small or young girls. Of course, you don’t necessary have to wear pink on top, you could wear pink underwear to embrace your feminine side.

As many of you know, I am a lover of red and orange and they both are great colours that give energy. The same applies if you don’t want to wear them in your clothes you can choose red underwear and no-one would know.

Get the colour right and you can look and feel fantastic

Why would you not want to get the colour right? Wearing black which so many people do can be so draining. Not only on your face but on your energy too as black is known to deplete your energy. We all lead such busy lives these days and our energy level is so important just look at the alternatives.

Why would you not want to wear colour?

Alternative to wearing black

I realise that in some professions you don’t have a choice and black is all you can wear. If this is the case I would suggest wearing the colour underneath. Or, wear an accessory on the black dress in a colourful scarf or coloured necklace. If you are allowed a coloured blouse/jumper under your jacket that would be the preferred option.

Alternative colours to black could be, Navy, Brown, Grey, Khaki, Aubergine, Rust, Green, and the list goes on. Instead of teaming these colours with black or white look for different colour combinations. On my Pinterest board I have a board on colour combinations take a look here for some ideas

Colour is so much more than you wear!

Help is at hand

As a colour and style coach I offer Colour and Style consultations.  I either work one to one with ladies or I work with two ladies together. This works well for two best friends to come along together, or mother and daughter and for this I do offer a discount. This is a very fun way of working, and really makes a good girly morning or afternoon. You can either come to me in Chelmsford or I can come to your home if you prefer. Why not click over to my website now for more details.

You can follow me on Facebook  where I regularly post with style updates.  I have several boards on Pinterest from style, colour combinations and many more. If you would like to have a chat and find out how I can help you please call me on 07786 632798 or email me or visit my website 

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How to make your outfit look expensive.

Find out which colour works best for you!!

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