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You don’t have to be a fashion expert to dress well


You don't have to be a fashion expert to dress well
You don’t have to be a fashion expert to dress well

I am often asked how do you always look so good? and the answer to that is. I know which colours suit me and I know what style most flatters my body shape. Even before I trained as a Colour and Style Coach. I made a point of finding out what was right for me. You don’t have to be a fashion expert to dress well. You too can find out how to look and feel fabulous every day.

You don’t have to be a fashion expert to dress well


I think for me, Colour is the most important factor to looking and feeling fantastic. If you have the colour right and the style wrong, although it’s not good, it is not as bad as getting the colour wrong. Why? because, Colour is everything, get it right and you will look fabulous. Your face will come alive, your eyes will shine, you will have a clearer complexion and the overall effect will be great. Get it wrong and you will look tired, washed out and generally not well.

Also, you need to bear in mind that all colours have an energy, so by wearing colour you will feel energised but if you are wearing black this will deplete your energy. So, it is important to get it right. If you don’t want to wear colour on the outside, then make sure you are wearing your red knickers or socks in your boots to give you some much needed energy.


This you may need some help on, but if you find out what body shape you have you can work from there. What we are aiming to do, is to play up the areas of your body that you like and play down the areas that you do not want to accentuate. If for arguments sake you carry your weight around your middle, then wear darker skirts and trousers on your bottom half. Draw the eye upwards by putting some jewellery in the neck of your blouse. If you are straight up and down like me, I wear clothes that will give me an illusion of a waist. I camouflage my small bust by wearing detail on my blouses in that area.

Putting your outfits together

I think a lot depends on how you put your outfits together as well. Just by adding some accessories can make such a difference. A necklace in the neck of a blouse or outside on a plain top. You can use a scarf to bring some colour into your outfit. Choose a nice coloured hand bag. I use a fashion hand bags which, are not necessary leather but it means I can have several in different colours. You don’t have to be a fashion expert to dress well. You just have to learn which are your best colours and which styles suit your body shape.

Help is at hand

As a colour and style coach I offer Colour and Style consultations.  I either work one to one with ladies or I work with two ladies together. This works well for two best friends to come along together, or mother and daughter and for this I do offer a discount. This is a very fun way of working, and really makes a good girly morning or afternoon. You can either come to me in Chelmsford or I can come to your home if you prefer. Why not click over to my website now for more details.

I hope that has given you some ideas on how you don’t have to be a fashion expert to dress well. If not please do get in touch.

I am a Colour & Style Coach based in Chelmsford Essex and I enjoy empowering women to look and feel fantastic and make changes in their lives.  You can follow me on Facebook  where I regularly post with style updates.  I have several boards on Pinterest from style, colour combinations and many more. If you would like to have a chat and find out how I can help you please call me on 07786 632798 or email me or visit my website 

 If you have enjoyed reading my blog please feel free to share on Facebook and or pass on. This is the last day of a 30 day blogging challenge. I have blogged every day for 30 days. So, please feel free to look back at my previous blogs in this challenge where I share more information about Colour & Style and my passion for colour.

How to make your outfit look expensive.

Find out which colour works best for you!!

Day 30 Blogging Challenge














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