As we are being drip feed negative news every day on the TV it is sometimes hard to remain positive. I try not to listen to the news to often and especially not last thing at night, but do listen to the teatime update so I am aware of what is going on. This time will pass and who knows that the new normal will be, but it will pass. I wanted to share with you some of the positive things I have been doing to cope with the lock down and what I have learnt.
Here are the positive things I have learnt during lock down
I did not want to look back after this time and think that I wasted the time that I had. In normal day to day living most of us say if I only had time, I would do …. Well now I did have the time,and this is what I did.
Stepped up my exercising
I usually attended a Pilates class once a week and my Pilates teacher took her classes online with Zoom. This has turned out great for me as I now do two classes a week instead of my usual one. I bought myself an exercise resistant band and now do another class on YouTube using the bands. This is helping particularly with my upper body strength. I have also done a few routines with my daughter on Face time which has been fun. This has helped with my mood which I expect is because of all the endorphins running around my body. I am not sure that I will be able to continue doing three classes a week once I am back working again but I have learnt that if it is something that you want to do then you are able to make that time somehow.
We have bought a hula hoop, yes I hear some of you laugh! I wanted to exercise my core. This one is weighted and it takes a while to get going but both Bob and I have mastered it now. I to do 5-10 minutes a day depending on what other exercise I have done that day.
Daily walks
This has been a godsend to Bob and I and we both look forward to our walk with our lovely Border Terrier Rosie every day. We live in Chelmer Village and have the advantage of lots of great walks along the river. We have several ways to walk into town through Springfield or along the river, some of them have been up to 7 km. Rosie has taken to having a dip and enjoys a splash around if there are any other dogs to play with. I love being out in nature and we have had the bonus of some lovely weather. Bob is still working from home and is busy and we can combine our walks with trips to the office to deliver his paperwork. We have also found a coffee cart and enjoy a coffee before our walk back.
I have been a member of a spiritual group for many years now and enjoy meeting the group for Spiritual guided meditations and sharing our common interest. It has always been said that the more you practise the easier it will be to connect even if it is just ten minutes a day. Somehow, I never found that 10 minutes a day on a regular basis. I had also only done guided meditations and found sitting quietly on my own difficult. The group still meets on Zoom a couple of times a month which is great, but I decided that as I now had the time, I wanted to take it further. I started with the Calm App, which was helpful and am now meditating every day, sometimes for only ten minutes and sometimes longer and have really started to feel the benefits.
Here are the positive things I have learnt during lock down
I joined a 21- day meditation challenge with Gabrielle Bernstein which has been lovely as I have had the discipline to do it every day. She also has shown several different types of meditation. Some have helped me sleep better and others have eased anxiety and stress. Also, I have been able to let go of things I no longer need to hold onto. This is definitely something that I want to continue after lock down and will put into my diary. This is a positive thing for me, to come out of lock down.
Having the time to think
I have slowed down a lot as I have not had to go anywhere, or be anywhere I guess, but I have more head space. I am getting inspiration coming to me, ideas of where to go next with my business and an acceptance of what it to come.
Lock down in my business
As you are all aware my business is very much one to one consultation and talks and so I have been unable to do any of those. I have been working in the background. I have written a new talk all about style personalities where I get to change into different outfits to reflect the different personalities which is fun. Also, I am doing things behind the scenes and updating my website and looking at my social media presence. Networking is still featuring, and I have been doing that via zoom, keeping up with other small businesses.
What have I learnt?
I have learnt that if you want to do something enough you will make time for it. I think this lock down time has given everyone time to think and re access their lives. It has brought home to us all what and who are important in our lives, and to be grateful for what we do have. I will look back on this time and know that I used this time for reflection and growth amongst other things. I will be grateful for having had this time.
How are you coping with lock down?
How are you coping with lock down? What have you been doing I would love to hear from you?
I hope you have found that useful, if you need any help or advise, please do not hesitate to get in contact and I will be pleased to help you. You can follow me on Facebook where I regularly post style updates. Pinterest is a love of mine and here I have several boards from style, colour combinations and many more. If Instagram is your thing, I am on there as well. Why not give me a call for a chat to find out how I can help you on 07786 632798. Or email me or visit my website
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