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What everybody ought to know about wearing pink and purple

Today, I am going to talk about wearing pink and purple. These colours come in various shades and tones and get it right and most ladies can wear both colours. If you are a warm lady make sure it has a yellow undertone and a cool lady a blue undertone. Here I am going to let you know what everybody ought to know about wearing pink and purple.

What everybody ought to know about wearing pink and purple

What everybody ought to know about wearing pink and purple
What everybody ought to know about wearing pink and purple


Purple is the most complex colour on the colour wheel. It is a combination of the spiritual blue and sensual red. Purple is popular in all its level of colour from a bright purple, down to a watered-down lavender. The colour has a spiritual connotation and an association with royalty. Long ago only kings and priests were entitled to wear the colour. Wear purple when you would like to appear regal or classy.

You can wear shades of purple to help calm you down if you are nervous. Purple is a colour of transformation at a deep level. People who like wearing purple are usually creative, knowledgeable and mysterious. They follow their intuition, which is rarely wrong.

This little mistress lavender print shift dress I found on the next website at £70

What everybody ought to know about wearing pink and purple
What everybody ought to know about wearing pink and purple


Pink is a watered- down red, (my trainer said to me when I said I didn’t wear pink) but, without any of the negative connotations. It is nearly always thought of as soft and feminine. Pink sends out the message of gentle, charming, and affectionate. Unlike purple, the colour pink as no sexual or passionate connotations. It relates to romantic rather than physical love.

Wear pink when you want to appear soft and feminine, and avoid if you want to send out the message of being assertive and powerful. Pink is the colour of choice for the thoughtful soul with a playful streak. They are romantic and sensitive by nature.

This dress from Pretty little thing from Next at £28

What is your favourite colour and why? Message me and I will cover other colours in future blogs.

I am a Colour & Style Coach based in Chelmsford Essex and I enjoy empowering women to look and feel fantastic and make changes in their lives. You can follow me on Facebook  where I regularly post with style updates.  I have several boards on Pinterest from style, colour combinations and many more. If you would like to have a chat and find out how I can help you please call me on 07786 632798 or email me or visit my website 


How to make your outfit look expensive.

Find out which colour works best for you!!

Day 19 Blogging Challenge



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