Talks/Events Page & Testimonials

Are you are a member of a ladies group and looking for speakers?  I would welcome the opportunity to come along and give a talk about what I do.


My talks would include topics such as

  • Learn how to create your own style using colour & accessories
  • Find out about the energies that colours have and why they make you feel the way they do.
  • The benefits of having a colour analysis to find out what colours best suit you.
  • Scarf Craft – How to tie your scarves – A demonstration on many ways to tie a scarf

Please contact me for full details on the talks I do and my availability.


Scarf Craft Parties

If you would like to get together a group of friends I can bring my workshop to your home.  I charge a small fee for each person which includes a FREE scarf.  All my talks and workshops are very interactive and you are going to go away with lots of hints and tips!!

Contact me now and we can set a date! or visit my workshop page for details of workshops that I hold myself that you can join me on.



Hello Sandra,

On behalf of all the ladies at Charrens Women’s Club, I would like to thank you very much for coming along today for your splendid talk and demonstration on colour/scarves.
I, for one, immensely enjoyed the afternoon, even though it was a very wet one and sadly one in which our numbers were somewhat depleted due to the rain.
It has given us all an insight to brighten our wardrobes, and hopefully enjoy some brighter weather in days to come where we can show our colours off.
Hopefully we will meet again Sandra, for some colour guidance in the near future.
With very kind regards

Good morning Sandra

May I thank you for a most interesting and ‘illuminating’ talk last night on colour and how it affects the way we feel. So interesting to be able to start to understand colour therapy. Lots of talk during the tea break and the ladies will think about what colours suit them best for their colouring. I’m sure a few ladies took your card and will look you up on Facebook and Instagram.

Once again, thank you for a delightful talk.

With kind Regards

Rosemary November 2023

Hi Sandra

Thank you for your email. I loved last Friday and learnt a lot – I’m even wearing an olive green jumper today !
Thank you for your advice and guidance which I will carry with me.
October 2022


Dear Sandra,

Many thanks for your entertaining talk to our group last Thursday. I think we all learnt some interesting ideas from you and Shenfield may well become a brighter place for it!  It was much enjoyed by us all .

Kind regards Gill

St Mary’s Open Branch 12 September 2019

 A belated, yet nevertheless very sincere, thank you for coming over to us last Thursday.  Your talk was lovely, so colourful, lively and varied, and far more than we ever expected.

 Thank you for helping to make our evening so very special.  I’m sure we will be seeing you again in the not too distant future.

 With very best wishes and kind regards

Sue (for Elsenham W.I. Members’ Day Team October 2018)

Tres Chic at West Mersea WI Friday 8th June 2018

Today we enjoyed a most fabulous talk about how colour can enhance your mood and how to compliment an outfit with a cleverly tied scarf.  Our speaker was Sandra Sparrowhawk who is a colour and style coach and a personal shopper.  Sandra, who is London trained does not do corporate styling but concentrates on individual needs. She emphasises that colour can lift your mood and give you energy. You must not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do try not to wear all black, white or beige unless you want to fade into the background! Red has high vibrations and together with orange is Sandra’s favourite colour, blue is soothing and green is relaxing. So if you are planning a party outfit, remember your chilling out colours and think what colour can do for you.

Members discovered so many different ways to wear a scarf by folding, looping, twisting and knotting. Square scarves can be held in place by using an elasticated bracelet to hold the ends in place. A useful holiday tip for visiting churches is to make a scarf into a bolero to cover bare shoulders and another clever idea is to purchase a clip-on pendant to accessorise a scarf

“The July meeting welcomed Sandra Sparrowhawk as the speaker. She is a Style and Colour Adviser and gave members an interesting talk on how to wear scarves for the greatest impact. The right colour gives a favourable first impression as well as making the wearer feel better. She demonstrated different and attractive ways to tie colourful scarves to “jazz up” an outfit. the scarves were different shapes and sizes all brightly patterned, and we were surprised by the number of alternative ways to tie them. Thank you Sandra Sparrowhawk

Feedback from a talk on “Great ways to tie scarves” at the Rayne Wives Group in Braintree

Good Morning Sandra

Thought you would like to know, I have had a phone call this morning from a member saying how much she enjoyed the evening and you were a very interesting speaker.

This made me feel great so I thought I would share my good news with you.

Kind Regards  Pauline

I’m so grateful that you took so much time to ensure that the right choice was made and I’m really excited to get into colours now. You are so lovely and I’m glad that we have had some time together so I had the opportunity to get to know you better. Having their colours done is something all women should do and I am definitely going to shout all about it at our next networking meeting and the others I go to. Honestly so impressed!




