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Red & Orange are my favourite colours – Want to know why?

Red & Orange are my favourite colours - Want to know why?
Red & Orange are my favourite colours – Want to know why?

All colours have an energy, which is why they have healing properties. Therefore, they make you feel a certain way. This is what I love, so much about colour. It lights people up, brings their faces alive, and brings out the best in everyone. Anyone who knows me will know, that red and orange are my favourite colours. I do of course where other colours too but they are my favourite. Read on to find out why red & orange are my favourite colours – Want to know why?

Red & Orange are my favourite colours – Want to know why?

Obviously, as a Colour and Style Coach, I do know, which are my best colours and know that an orange/ red and most shades of orange are good colours for me. This is a very good reason for me to wear them. Whenever, I wear either colour, I will get compliments. Which, increases my self- confidence no end and it would for you too. Not everyone can wear orange, it will only look good on you if you have a warm complexion. If you are a cool lady you will need to avoid orange and choose a red that has a blue undertone.


Energies of the colour red

Red is the colour of assertiveness, enthusiasm, spontaneity and courage.  It is also the colour of aggression, impatience, anger and recklessness. Red is the pioneer, and it presents energy and growth. It is perhaps the most dominant colour that exists, and universally represents action.

Wear red when you want to appear dynamic, energetic and assertive. I always wear red to give me energy and it is said that if you are feeling tired, wear a red jumper and consciously breathe its energy into your body.

If you want to relax at the end of a day, do not wear red as it is not a relaxing colour. I used to wonder why I could not wind down at the end of the day wearing my red dressing gown. Now I know!!

Energies of the colour orange

Orange is a combination of red and yellow and has qualities of both. Red tends to stimulate physically, while yellow stimulates mentally, thus orange is doubly stimulating. Some people find it too stimulating and find it unrestful. Orange like red, suggests warmth and is symbolic of the sun. As such, the colour has highly positive vibrations and holds a strong attraction to most people. Orange is a colour most people would wear as an accent colour or in a softer more muted version of orange.

I wear this colour as I know it suits me and because it gives me energy and confidence. It is known to be a wonderful anti-depressant, it encourages creativity and passion and has beneficial effects on the digestive and reproduction organs.

Red & Orange are my favourite colours – Want to know why?

Orange and Red are my favourite colours as I have explained and some of the reasons why. However, I do also enjoy wearing blue, green, all autumnal colours and some shades of pink which is really a just watered- down red. These colours I wear at different times and for different reasons.

What is your favourite colour and why? Message me and I will cover other colours in future blogs.

I am a Colour & Style Coach based in Chelmsford Essex and I enjoy empowering women to look and feel fantastic and make changes in their lives. You can follow me on Facebook  where I regularly post with style updates.  I have several boards on Pinterest from style, colour combinations and many more. If you would like to have a chat and find out how I can help you please call me on 07786 632798 or email me or visit my website 


How to make your outfit look expensive.

Find out which colour works best for you!!

Day 17 Blogging Challenge











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