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How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

How has this pandemic effected your work/business?
How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

This pandemic has affected everyone in so many ways and it still looks like there is no end in sight. I was looking to return to work this month. Wearing a visa and a mask, steaming all my drapes, and returning to doing my Colour Consultations. Here in Essex we have entered Tier Two it means that we are not able to mix indoors. This means that I will not be able to have clients to my home or be able to go to theirs. How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

I decided at the beginning of this pandemic that I would not take my Colour Consultations online for many reasons.  The main reason is that colour looks different online. You know yourself if that you order clothes online when they arrive, they are very often look a different colour to what they did online. Secondly, I am a people person and work best one to one.

At the beginning of lock down when none of us knew how long this would go on. I did what a lot of people did. Decluttered the whole of my house and caught up with things that I do not usually have time to do. I read a lot of books and enjoyed spending time with my husband Bob, taking long walks with our Border Terrier Rosie.

How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

I had seen other networkers re-invent themselves or, taking their business on line and I did not want to do that. When I realised that I would not be able to return to work in the usual way. I knew I had to do something to keep up my presence online. Technology is not my strong point and am totally self-taught on what I know so far. This was my weak link if there was one. I joined a platform on Facebook called The Hearts in Business  run by Lisa Ferris and Helene Musso. This is a membership program offering training on the technology side of social media and confidence on camera. On this platform I have learnt so much in the first month. Not only that, it has given me the confidence to have a go and not be frightened about using social media.

How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

Last week I upgraded my Pinterest account to a business one. I am now learning how to use the business one as it appears to work differently to the personal one. next I want to separate the personal boards and open a personal account and that is my next goal to learn how to do that.

I have opened a Canva account and am learning to design my own slides to use on my social media. All of this I have done with the help of  The Hearts in Business   membership group.

Facebook Shops

Facebook shops  is something that I had been looking at setting up for some time but had been quoted a lot of money for someone to set up for me. I decided to give it go. In the beginning of lock down I had uploaded all my stock onto my website. I was not getting enough traffic to my website to make any sales. So, I decided to take the bull by the horns and have a go myself.

Well knock me down with a feather! I managed it, I followed the instructions, uploaded the images, and linked to my website. Facebook is also linked to my Instagram and so the shops is on there too. Yesterday, I received my first order, I am so made up. So instead of being hard on myself I have given myself a pat on the back.

Facebook Virtual Christmas Markets.

All the Christmas Markets, Fairs and events have been cancelled this year. These I usually go to in the run up to Christmas to sell my accessories and market myself. Fortunately, I have found some Virtual Christmas events on Facebook which I have joined. These you can post on once a day and already have proved successful already.

How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

Currently, I am now searching for new products to sell, accessories that will compliment an outfit. Watch my Facebook/Instagram page for new items that I am adding each day. People are already looking for Christmas present ideas and looking to do that online. No one knows how much longer the shops will be able to stay open. Some people do not want to visit the shops. I like to support small businesses and so do others. So yes, my business has totally changed for the time being, but I have not given up hope that I will be able to return to what I love in 2021.

If you have someone to buy for at Christmas and not sure what buy why not consider a gift voucher for a Colour Consultation next year. Visit my website for details of what a consultation involves

How has this pandemic effected your work/business?

How has this pandemic affected you and your business? I would be interested to hear from you post your comments below

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I also have a Youtube channel where I store all my videos. Why not give me a call for a chat to find out how I can help you on 07786 632798. Or email me or visit my website 

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Find out which colours work best for you!!

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