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Have you over spent in the sales this week?


Have you over spent in the sales this week?
Have you over spent in the sales this week?

Are you one of those people who love a bargain? I know I am. I also love to go to the Sales after Christmas as there is usually some great bargains to be had. BUT – Something is not a bargain if you don’t need it. Have you over spent in the sales this week? if so, please do read on.

Have you over spent in the sales this week?

If you bought in the sales this week it is not too late to return, in most shops the return policy is usually two weeks (14 days). If you are having second thoughts about anything you have bought think about returning it. I think when buying in the sales you need to ask yourself these questions.

  • Do I need it?
  • Do I have anything to wear with it?
  • Would I have bought it as full price?
  • Can I afford it?
  • Do I look and feel fantastic in it?
  • Is it in one of my colours?
  • Do I love it?

If you answer NO to any of the above, I think you should be questioning whether it is a good buy for you. It is not a bargain if it is going to sit in your wardrobe and not be worn. Your wardrobe should only have items that you love and love wearing. It is so easy to get carried away on sale day as things appear to a bargain.  On Boxing Day, I went to Next to look at their sale.  Apparently, there was a queue to get into the store at 6.00 am (I was not there at that time by the way).  There were also huge queues to pay with people with huge bags.

Do you need to return any sale purchases?

If you must ask yourself why it is in the sale in the first place. Sometimes, they are just end of lines that they want to clear out, other times they are items that just have not sold for whatever reason. If the item is available in all the sizes that is usually because it just didn’t sell. I picked up one of these items and it was badly cut and didn’t fit which is probably why it didn’t sell in the first place and was in the sale. You need to look for the genuine bargains if an item is available in lots of sizes that is not a good sign. I wonder how many of those items have since been returned? Let’s face it, there are only so many days a week to wear all these outfits.

They do say that 20% of a women’s wardrobe is worn 80% of the time, so bear that in mind when buying new clothes.

Have you over spent in the sales this week?

Yes it is,not too late to return any of those sale items that you don’t need. You may also have been given some clothes as presents over Christmas and the same goes for those too. If you are not going to wear them, you do need to return them and change them for something that you will love and wear. Most people do give you a gift receipt for that reason. What you must not do is clutter your wardrobe with items that you are not going to wear.

My name is Sandra and I am colour and style coach based in Chelmsford Essex. Colour is my passion and I love to help ladies find out which colours best suit them. This can be very liberating, giving ladies confidence to be the very best version of themselves and make great changes in their lives.

Click over to my website now for more details.

You can follow me on Facebook  where I regularly post style updates.  Pinterest  is a love of mine and here I have several boards from style, colour combinations and many more. If you would like to have a chat and find out how I can help you please call me on 07786 632798 or email me or visit my website 

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How to make your outfit look expensive.

Find out which colour works best for you!!

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