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Colour/Style Gift Vouchers Make ideal Gifts

Do you know anyone who would love one?Sandra Sparrowhawk

I am always hearing lovely stories from ladies about their partners buying lovely presents that are a complete surprise, whilst others have to write a list of what to buy, where to buy it, colour size and price etc.  At least this way, you get something that you want and not something that will be put at the back of the cupboard, or  (if he has given you a gift receipt) you can return after Christmas. One present my husband bought me many years ago was a Colour & Style Voucher, at the time my daughter was very young and I was only working part time and it was not something I would have bought for myself, therefore it was a real treat.  This has been one of the best presents I have ever had!!  It was from there that I decided one day that I would love to become a Colour & Style Coach myself and the rest they say is history.

Why a Colour Consultation Gift Voucher?

Having a Colour Consultation is a one off, you go away with a swatch of 30  colours that are the very best colours for you personally.  They will bring out the colour of your eyes, give your skin a healthier glow, more definition to face shapes and slim body lines.  Colour is the essence of successful dressing, it effects how we feel and how people respond to us,  getting it right gives us more confidence.

A Colour Consultation Gift Voucher is £75.00  It will change your view on colours for ever, knowing your best colours will mean you will need less clothes to make more outfits.

 Why a Style Consultation Gift Voucher?

  • Are you fed up with your wardrobe?
  • Have you been dressing the same for many years?
  • Do you feel in a rut and could do with some advise to bring you up to date?

Knowing what suits your shape and style personality will completely change how you feel about yourself. Wearing clothes that flatter your shape are nice to wear, combined with the  knowledge of how to accessorize  will make a huge difference to how you feel.  A style Consultation Voucher is  £75   It will give you a complete confidence boost to your self-esteem,  empowering you to be the person you want to be. A voucher for both Colour and Style would be £135

Give someone you know the knowledge to look and feel their very best, boosting their confidence and giving them the choice to be who they want to be.  This is life changing for many people and makes an excellent present.

Who do you know, who you think would like one of these vouchers for Christmas this year?

Could be a gift for your Mother, one of your good friends or perhaps you would like one yourself!!!  Why not ask your husband/partner if he has not already bought you something that this might be a good idea. !!!

It is a Known fact that most women wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time, so lets get your wardrobe working for you!!

I still have some of my lovely scarves and scarf pendants in stock for those last minute presents so do please get in touch.

pendant on scarfHeart Pendant

Scarves are £5 & £10.00       Scarf Pendants are £7.50 & £8.00

Please check out my website for more details

Please visit my Facebook page  to see my latest posts.

Follow me on Twitter @ssparrowhawk

Tel 07786 632798 email


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