Does your posture alter the look of your clothes? Yes, it most certainly does, you hear so much these days about getting your body into alignment, and it certainly makes a difference. Not only to how you look but how your clothes look too. I go to a regular yoga class and each week we work on a different part of the body. This week we were working on our shoulders and so many of us are round shouldered due to sitting at a desk on our computers or mobile phones. Does your posture alter the look of your outfit? Does your posture alter the look of your outfit? Standing up to your full height can make a huge difference. As I am tall, growing up I didn’t want to tower over my friends and so I was inclined to stoop to make myself not look so tall. I was bullied for being tall and thin so thought it was not good to be that way. I wanted to be small and petite but I think that was because I wanted to blend in and not stand out. Fast forward till now, I am proud of my height, I love my long legs even though it is a problem ordering trousers to ensure they are long enough. It is important to stand tall. I love giraffes as many of you know and look how graceful they are standing full height. This photograph was taken last November at my niece’s wedding…