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How to choose the right clothes for your style personality

How to choose the right clothes for your style personality
How to choose the right clothes for your style personality

This is something that I cover in detail when you have a style consultation with me. We look at your personality, lifestyle, what you do for a living, and how you like to feel in your clothes. What type of clothes that you like to wear, considering the fabrics and styles that appeal to you? Body shape is a big element in what looks good on you, but that is only a part of the ingredients to choosing the best look for you. Visit my website for more details on my Style Analysis Consultations.

How to choose the right clothes for your style personality

Just as certain traits go to make up our individual personalities, so your unique style personality is made up of leanings, preferences, tendencies and aversions! There is no right or wrong with style personality, but it will profoundly affect the types of clothes you like to wear and feel most comfortable in. It can also have a bearing on how you want to wear colours.

You may have clothes which you know are in a good colour for you, but still they never seem to get worn – you put them on but take them off again because somehow they don’t feel right?  Have ever tried something on in a shop and decided, ‘No, it’s just not ME’.  And that is the crux of it, because the garment is not in keeping with your own style personality.

How to choose the right clothes for your style personality

Have a look at these personalities and see which one most resonates with you. You may be a combination of several, but one will sit with you more than the others. This is only a small snapshot of each personality type but it will give you an idea of what I am talking about.

Classical lady – who chooses to dress in comfortable clothes rather than following fashion. She goes for investment pieces which are timeless, she will have an organised wardrobe but not huge.

Yummy Mummy – she is a perfectionist, has a keen eye for detail and cannot tolerate mess. She is immaculately turned out and often seems overdressed by others. Everything has to match, and she loves her designer labels.

Sporty – this lady is always on the go and she has high energy. She likes to keep fit and prefers to wear unfussy clothes that allow her to move easily. She prefers casual but smart and will have a wash and go hairstyle.

Flamboyant – this lady loves to make a statement with outfits and accessories and enjoys being the centre of attention. She wears strong contrasts and vivid colours, animal print and colourful combinations.

Retro – The retro lady needs her own space and are often sensitive, she has her own unique approach to personal style. She does not want to look like anyone else. She is creative and will often take high street items and change them to creative her own distinctive look.

How to choose the right clothes for your style personality

Do you resonate with any of these? As I said before you may have tenancies for several, but one will be more dominate. Everyone has a unique blend of style personalities which makes choosing styles and fabrics to suit them.

To find out more about style personalities have a look at my website to see what I style analysis consultation involves of contact me for more details.

I hope you have found that useful, if you need any help or advise, please do not hesitate to get in contact and I will be pleased to help youYou can follow me on Facebook  where I regularly post style updates.  Pinterest  is a love of mine and here I have several boards from style, colour combinations and many more. If Instagram is your thing, I am on there as well. Why not give me a call for a chat to find out how I can help you on 07786 632798. Or email me or visit my website 

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Find out which colours work best for you!!

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